Instructions Video Auditions

To produce the application video, it is required to demonstrate, according to age, key elements and skills that the student must possess in order to pass the pre-selection. The video must follow the format indicated below, divided by age groups. Together with the video, 3 full-length photos must be sent in dancewear, a Artistic Curriculum Vitae and a identification document


  1. To apply, you need to fill in the online selection form at the end of this page.
  2. Following the video instructions, create the video, making sure that what is required for age and level is present.
  3. Send the video, in link or attachment format (using the drag & drop box in the form) accompanied by CV, identification document and three full-length photos in dancewear, as requested below. The subject of the form should be Name Surname // Video selection.

The results of the pre-selections will be sent by email within 15 working days of receiving the application.

To produce the application video, it is required to demonstrate, according to age, key elements and skills that the student must possess in order to pass the pre-selection. The video must follow the format indicated below, divided by age groups. Together with the video we remind you that 3 full-length photos must be sent in dancewear, a Artistic Curriculum Vitae and a identification document

Candidates aged between 10 and 12 years includedthey must submit a video of a maximum length of 15 minutes


10 minutes maximum:

  1. demi and grand plié (right side only)
  2. battering tendus en croix (both sides)
  3. battering tendu jeté en croix (both sides)
  4. grand batters en croix using four counts per movement (both sides)
  5. III port de bras and side bench


5 minutes maximum:

  1. I-II-III port de bras
  2. pirouettes from XNUMXth position, only if you have already studied (both sides)
  3. pas balance a la seconde
  4. jumps in I-II position, en face
  5. galops from the diagonal (right side only)


5 minutes maximum of point work (only if already studied).

  1. relevé sequence in I-II-V position at the bar
  2. sequence of pas de bourré and pas de bourré suivi, in the center

Candidates aged between 13 and 14 years inclusive, they must submit a video of a maximum length of 20 minutes.


5 minutes maximum:

  1. plié in all positions and port de bras (right side only)
  2. batters tendus en croix (left side only)
  3. slowly (both sides)
  4. grand battles en croix (left side only)


5 minutes maximum:

  1. port de bras and little adagio
  2. pirouettes en dehors from XNUMXth and XNUMXth position (only if already studied) 


5 minutes maximum:

  1. an exercise that includes jumps in XNUMXst position, changement de pieds and échappés
  2. an exercise in petit allegro that includes assemble and jete sauté
  3. an exercise in grand allegro


5 minutes maximum of tip work. The exercises are to be demonstrated in the center.

  1. sequence of echappé a la seconde, echappé a la seconde en tournant of 1/4 turn and pas de bourré
  2. glissade en tournant diagonal of one turn

Candidates aged between 15 and 16 years inclusive must submit a video of a maximum length of 20 minutes. 


5 minutes maximum:

  1. plié in all positions and port de bras (right side only)
  2. short sequence of batteri tendus and batteri jetés (left side only)
  3. slowly (right side only)
  4. grand batters (left side only)


5 minutes maximum:

  1. adagio must include large poses and promenades in attitude derriere
  2. combination of pirouettes from XNUMXth and XNUMXth position, en dehors and en dedans (one side only)


5 minutes maximum:

  1. an exercise in petit allegro that includes changement de pieds, échappés and assemblé
  2. an exercise in the middle allegro, which includes sissone sauté a la seconde, temps levé in 1st arabesque and pas de chat
  3. an exercise in grand allegro (including tours en l'air for male candidates)


5 minutes maximum:

  1. echappé sequence in XNUMXnd and XNUMXth position, combined with retirés passé.
  2. diagonal of pirouettes en dehors from XNUMXth position
  3. diagonal of piqué en dedan

Candidates aged between 17 and 25 years inclusive must submit a video of a maximum length of 20 minutes. 


5 minutes maximum:

  1. plié in all positions and port de bras (right side only)
  2. short sequence of batteri tendus and batteri jetés (left side only)
  3. slowly (right side only)
  4. grand batters (left side only)


5 minutes maximum:

  1. adagio must include great poses and a lent / promenade tour to the second or arabesque
  2. pirouettes from V-II-IV position, to the right and left side, en dehors and en dedans


5 minutes maximum:

  1. an exercise in petit allegro that includes changement de pieds, échappés and assemblé
  2. an exercise in the middle allegro, which includes sissone sauté in 1st arabesque, balloné sauté and cabriole devant
  3. an exercise in grand allegro (including tours en l'air for male candidates)


5 minutes maximum:

  1. echappé sequence in XNUMXnd and XNUMXth position, combined with retirés passé.
  2. diagonal of pirouettes en dehors from XNUMXth position
  3. diagonal of tombé piqué en dehors and piqué en dedans

The selection video must be accompanied by n ° 3 photographs high resolution in the following positions:

From 10 to 12 years

  • Battement tendu a la seconde in the center, en face
  • 1st arabesque en l'air with two hands on the bar, profile
  • Demi-plié in 1st position in the center, profile

From 13 to 22 years

  • Developpe a la seconde at the maximum height in the center, en face
  • 1st arabesque en l'air at maximum height in the center, profile
  • Relevé a la seconde in the center tip, en face (for women) / Temps levé a la seconde (for men)
For video shooting and photos, appropriate dance clothing is required as follows:



  • Pink leotard and stockings (skirt is not allowed)
  • Hair neatly gathered in a bun
  • Pink demi-pointe shoes and pointe shoes if required


  • Whole academic. Alternatively, a tight short-sleeved T-shirt with tights or coulotte
  • Half shoes

Fill out the selection form

    I send the application for *

    Choose how to send the video: Youtube / Vimeo link or file to attach

    NB Remember to attach 3 photos, CV and Identity Document

    (max 200MB)

    (*)Required fields